리멤버 리커버 울진
remember & recover uljin
badge, magnetic, griptok, bracelet
badge, magnetic, griptok, bracelet
bobae kim
contents plan. morrow
print. garam art
contents plan. morrow
print. garam art
산불로 인해 훼손된 자연을 기억하고 복구와 복원의 의지를 불러일으키기 위한 제품입니다.
울진 금강송을 형상화한 솔방울 그래픽을 개발하여 산불로 불에 탄 나무를 소재로 그립톡과 팔찌를 제작했습니다. 피해 규모와 기간을 인포그래픽으로 제작해 피해 상황을 명확하게 이해할 수 있도록 키비주얼로 활용했습니다.
솔방울이 들어있는 패키지는 나무 질감의 종이를 사용하여 터치형 경험을 제공합니다. 패키지를 펼치면 솔방울에 얽힌 이야기가 펼쳐집니다. 기본적으로 친환경 종이를 사용해 패키지를 제작하고, 비접착식 패키지를 통해 사용자에게 친환경 메시지를 전달합니다.
The forest fire in Uljin in 2022 left a deep scar on the beautiful nature of Uljin. <Remember & Recover Uljin> memorial product was selected as a Reddot Winner in 2023 for its use of 'burnt trees' as a memorabilia to remember the Uljin wildfire and wish for recovery.
These products are intended to recall the nature damaged by forest fire sand to evoke the will to recover and restore.
By developing a pine cone graphic that embodies the Geumgangsong in Uljin, we made griptok and bracelets based on wood burned by the forest fire. We made the scale and duration of the damage into an infographic and used it as a key visual so that we can understand the damage clearly.
Packages containing pine cones provide a touch-type experience using wood textured paper. As the package unfolds, the story of the pine cone unfolds. Basically, the package is made from using eco-friendly paper, and it delivers ecofriendly messages to users through non-adhesive packages.
These products are intended to recall the nature damaged by forest fire sand to evoke the will to recover and restore.
By developing a pine cone graphic that embodies the Geumgangsong in Uljin, we made griptok and bracelets based on wood burned by the forest fire. We made the scale and duration of the damage into an infographic and used it as a key visual so that we can understand the damage clearly.
Packages containing pine cones provide a touch-type experience using wood textured paper. As the package unfolds, the story of the pine cone unfolds. Basically, the package is made from using eco-friendly paper, and it delivers ecofriendly messages to users through non-adhesive packages.
brand design welcome kit studio textor 브랜드 디자인 월켐키트 스튜디오 텍스토 red dot 레드닷 2022